Easily connect with a reduced cost or pro-bono attorney

The OpenLaw Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to ensuring justice is accessible for all. We connect those in need with experienced attorneys willing to offer pro-bono or reduced-cost services.
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Our Vision: Equitable Justice For All

We envision a world where justice is not a privilege but a right for everyone. At OpenLaw, we're making that vision a reality, one case at a time.

Who We Are

A team committed to legal fairness, bridging the justice gap by connecting those in need with legal experts. We're about making legal aid a right, not a privilege.

What We Do

OpenLaw Foundation provides a digital platform that connects individuals in need with skilled attorneys motivated to help.

How to help

Whether you're a lawyer eager to contribute pro-bono hours or a donor ready to support legal grants, your participation is pivotal to our mission.

Where We Work

Currently, our impact is felt across: Florida, Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Virginia.

How it works

how it works step
Submit your case
how it works step
hardship details
how it works step
your hardship
how it works step
with attorney*

The Justice Gap is a Serious Problem

justice scale
low-income households experienced at least one legal issue annually
of low income individuals with legal issues don’t get any or enough legal help.
1.9 million
low-income individuals sought Legal Aid, but most weren’t properly assisted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are donations to the OpenLaw Foundation tax-deductible?
Does the OpenLaw Foundation work internationally?
What volunteer opportunities are available?
Can businesses partner with OpenLaw Foundation?